Layout of Courses changes when change size of window
We have fixed this in our Beta (!
This post was marked as
in progress
We're implementing this in the Beta, so stay tuned for that.
under review
This is due to the catalog view being dependent on screen width, which allows for a responsive design across mobile, tablet, and desktop. When you resize the window, you are probably getting into tablet territory which is why it switches to grid view and makes the filters card take up the entire width. In the future, we hope to design a better layout for tablet.
Kevin Hu
in progress
Kevin Hu
Can confirm this bug shows up (happens on Safari and Chrome as well). Working on identifying a fix!
Henry Heffan
Also, the "Edit Post" button above doesn't work :)
Kevin Hu
Henry Heffan: We've been trying to figure out why this is the case (not working for us either), and it looks like an issue with the feedback management plugin we're using. If you'd like to edit your post, you can take a look at the full-site feedback page here: